Welcome to a mindset that transcends boundaries and embraces the essence of growth, resilience, and relentless self-improvement. The philosophy encapsulated in these phrases embodies a dynamic approach to life—one that seeks not only personal evolution but also the betterment of the world. Each phrase is a call to action, urging you to seize control of your energy, engage in positive-sum games, and foster a mindset that not only embraces change but propels it. As you delve into the following expressions, envision a journey where you harness your potential, overcome challenges, and thrive in a world where exceptionalism is not just a concept but a way of life.
Violently active and violently growing, I play positive sum games, firmly believing that I control my energy. I am impatient about action but patient with results. I engage in discussions focused on ideas, not events or people, acknowledging that I know something you don't, and you know something I don't. I am aware that I become my habits and never answer before questioning. Longevity and peace are paramount to me. I can think for myself, and I find it easy and lazy to be a pessimist.
Making definite plans to solve specific problems, I recognize that the small things are actually the big things. I envision a United Federation of People, emphasizing that making everything a joke makes you the joke. I invest in myself, believing in myself above all else, always in motion and enjoying life now. I embody the philosophy to just body it, to be here, for now.
My religion is exceptionalism, and my religion is reiteration. I am dedicated to learning and loving, seeking curiosity to prevent being controlled. I strive for prosperity and peace, understanding that changing the world starts by changing myself. Helping myself is the start to helping the world, and I am on my way to infinity.
I control my attitude, embracing flexibility of the mind, body, and soul, recognizing that I am more than who I am now. Health, wealth, and happiness are my pursuits, and I act like the alive being that I am. I am addicted to growth, urging everyone to go to infinity because we are infinite. I seek understanding and discomfort, rejecting hope in favor of saving myself and then saving the world.
I adopt a sunset mindset amidst beautiful chaos, yearning to learn and emphasizing that I am what I focus on. I am the universe experiencing itself, understanding that too much of anything is a bad thing. Exceptionalism is the solution for collectivism, and I recognize the imperative to evolve or die.
Following obsession, I am a difference engine, always keeping my head up and remaining bullish on myself. I acknowledge the monopoly of me, reiterate myself, and embrace exceptional collective and creative collective endeavors within the Cresco Collective. This is infinity, and I choose to live by choice, not chance, thriving and going from 0 to 1.
I am actively working on myself, a definite optimist who forgives, believes, and creates myself. I understand that I'll never be good at being someone else, and nobody cares how smart I think I am. I adopt a creation mindset, where confidence is a currency, and I refrain from fixing the weather by complaining about it.
I strive to be the peace for others, instead of their problem, recognizing the importance of growing together or growing apart. Only a simp deals in absolutes, and I commit to being a life-long learner, focused on learning and earning. My goal is to win the day, part of the exceptionalism collective, and I invite others to join the Cresco Collective.
I understand that resistance guarantees mediocrity, and I seek to productize myself, eviscerate fear, and leave my past self behind. I am committed to personal growth, iterating and reiterating, being violently self-aware, always aiming for 1% more. I seek discomfort and maintain discipline, understanding that I am my individual monopoly, working from zero to one.
Growing and grateful, I am on my own Hero’s Journey, embodying the qualities of a definite optimist, grateful realist, learning lover, obsessed rationalist, relentless creator, educated nomad, violent grower, mindset missionary, growth addict, exceptional drone, exceptional collectivist, dream chaser, relentless lover, growth crusader, potential seeker, intelligent adventurer, relentless changer, me, relentlessly myself, artistic savage, myself, focused fool, dedicated reiterator, stoic, growing human, post-traumatic growth survivor, dedicated wanderer, life-long learner, change agent, disciplined monster, fearless philosopher, and entrepreneurial hacker.
In the tapestry of life, you are the artist of your own destiny. As you navigate the intricate challenges of growth, resilience, and self-discovery, remember that exceptionalism is not an abstract ideal but a path you walk daily. It's about being violently self-aware, seeking discomfort, and acknowledging that the journey to infinity starts with the choices you make today. By reiterating your commitment to personal growth, embracing change, and realizing the immense power within, you become a force—an exceptional force that not only transforms yourself but ripples through the collective consciousness, fostering prosperity, peace, and boundless potential. So, go forth with a mindset of a relentless creator, a growth addict, and an exceptional being, and make each day a testament to your extraordinary journey.